3D Renderings: EastWest Conference Booth
This week, Sarah and I are excited (and proud) to showcase our expertise at the EastWest Eye Conference in Cleveland, OH. We're getting set up today, and we're ready to chat with the great optical retailers and doctor groups that will be there.
We rented a corner booth in the best location in the Exhibit Hall (right as you enter and across from the bar). We want to show our potential customers how to create a comfortable, cozy space--a respite in an atmosphere of awkwardness. If we can achieve this here, imagine how we can create that space in their business!
Think about going to the eye doctor: while you may not be getting stuck with a needle, it is still a stressful experience for a lot of people. Do I choose A or B, 1 or 2, they look the same, now what? What if I need glasses, how will I look? Or contacts: touching my eyeball? No way. We want this community to think about how their space can comfort their customers, inspire confidence that they will be getting the expert care they deserve.
We partnered with Coalesse, a company with beautifully crafted furniture lines, clean, modern design. Built for comfort and commercially rated for durability. They generously loaned us some pieces they had on hand in the area. We supplemented this with some items we have on hand and some pieces we purchased. This approach kept us on budget.

We want to elevate the experience for our target customers, blow their minds. So we opted to explore our 10’x10’ space in 3D to ensure we inspire our guests to elevate their own spaces. So, we have a small space surrounded by pipe and drape. Not much excitement there. Manufacturers offer free downloads of their lines in 3D, so we obtained those items online. Décor items are typically available in 3D warehouses, we were able to find items similar to what we have on hand. Some items we had to build from specification sheets and by photos.
Our first design (above) utilized a credenza to get some height in the back of the space, it was dark and not high enough. We liked the cozy seating area and the café table to engage. But the space needed some tweaking. We wanted more height in the back of the space, an area that can showcase some merchandising ideas, and we captured that in our final design (below).

Our new merchandising wall will offer ideas on showcasing an offering, ways to mass products, and of course backstock areas for duplicates and cases. And it’s positioned with the full height mirror to provide stability. As we studied this area, we were able to determine the amount of items we will need to bring.