Apparel Initiatives
Initially, the goal was to incorporate JD Sports apparel into the Finish Line footprint, which had previously been dedicated primarily to footwear. We worked with merchandising to incorporate apparel displays within the existing footprint, and modified the store plans and fixture locations accordingly. It was a small scope, large scale, high velocity program.

Badge Flips
For key locations, they wanted the brand presence to convert to JD Sports. We incorporated iconic brand elements, such as new signage, shop-in-shops and storefront branding that could be standardized and replicated across multiple locations. This enabled the JD Sport brand to quickly and cost-effectively enter the US market.

Special Projects
We help promote merchandising initiatives by designing fixtures that are quick to install overnight. For the Finish Line store at Times Square, we converted an underutilized shop in their environment into a flex space that allows them to highlight featured brands, stories, or promotions.